On the 21th of May 2020, the Municipality of Jimbolia signed the contract for
” On 21.05.2020, the contract was signed for:
ELECTRIC MICROBUS 19 + 1 seats and ELECTRIC MICROBUS 14 + 1 + 1 seats"”
within the project E-Transport.
The electric busses are going to be supplied by SC KOMMUNALTECH SRL.
After obtaining the necessary permits and authorizations the lead partner will launch the public transport system in Jimbolia. The electric microbuses will travel on a set route and on a set timetable. The timetable and the route will be widely publicized in the local press and on the website of the municipality. The microbuses will travel at least 5 days/week, between 07 - 17. After a testing period, and based on the results of the public consultation, the operating hours could be extended. In addition to local routes, trips to the project partner in Mórahalom will be organized as well. The cross-border travel will be organized on weekends, at least on a monthly basis. In the project period 12 trips will be organized to Mórahalom, which have a test role and will be used for the public awareness raising activity and also for ensuring the visibility of the project. The trips will be organized for different groups (children, young people, representatives of different institutions, etc.). The lead partner Jimbolia will pay special attention to disadvantaged groups (people with a bad social situation, people living in poverty, Romas, people with physical disabilities) and will encourage them to travel to Mórahalom.